Page 7 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 7
Favourable geographical Effective measures of support
location for investors
• Borders with the EU • Investors support under “one-stop-shop”
• Located 600 km away from Moscow principle and “360°” system
• Borders with Saint Petersburg, one of the largest • End-to-end solution for tax benefits
industrial centres in Russia • Financing of investment projects through
• Access to the Baltic Sea the regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund
Access to human Available
resources infrastructure
• Ability to attract highly qualified specialists • Wide choice of available investment sites, green-
from Saint Petersburg field and brownfield (289 available sites)
• Low cost of human resources (48,271 rubles – the • Low cost of electricity supply
average salary in 2020, which is 29.4% lower • Low rental rate for industrial areas
than in Saint Petersburg) • Low cost of land lease
Large transport Second largest consumer
and logistics hub market in Russia
• Location at the junction of international trans- • The total population of Leningrad region
port corridors and Saint Petersburg is about 7.3 million people
• Ports of Leningrad region provide 21% of the (5% of the population in Russia)
export and import cargo turnover of the country • High consumer demand – retail trade turnover
• The largest port – Ust-Luga (cargo turnover in the region and in the city in 2020 amounted
in 2020: 102.6 million tons of cargo – to 1,995.9 billion rubles (4.1% higher than in 2019)
1st place among all ports in the Baltic basin) 7