Page 49 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 49

2004                   2006                 2011                 2011                  2019

            Svir Timber began      The sawmill          1 million cubic      Compliance with       3 million cubic
            its investment         and production       metres of lumber     international         metres of
            activity in Leningrad   were launched       was produced         forestry certification   lumber was
            region                                                           was confirmed         produced

          Technologies and equipment

          From 2014 to 2018, assuming that the vol-
          ume of round timber processed remained
          the same (about 500 thousand m ), the
          volume of produced lumber increased from
          230 to 280 thousand m  per year.
          The most important piece of equipment
          in the sawmill is the Heinola chipper-
          canter. Such machines are characterized
          by their high reliability and productive
          output, their constructive potential allows
          carrying out modernization in accordance
          with the changing aims of the sawmill.
          Although the chipper-canter technology
          is not the most efficient for maximum lum-  Metsa Svir is one of the
          ber output, the company managed to reach   top 10           sawmills
          an output rate in lumber production at the                  in Russia
          level of 55-56%.                          in terms of the volume of production
                                                    and other performance indicators

                                The investment project of Metsa Group and Leningrad   Contacts
                                region, as a result of which the region received a modern
                                production facility for wood processing, is a great example
                                of mutually beneficial partnership between business and   48 Karernaya street, Vazhiny,
                                the state. Today Metsa Svir sawmill is one of the best wood   Podporozhsky district
                                processing enterprises in Russia. The key to its success
                                is highly technological equipment combined with a good   +7 (812) 380-51-66
                                raw material base and professional, results-oriented
                                personnel. Due to this project the wood processing
                                enterprise, equipped with the most advanced technologies,
                                was created and is successfully developing in Leningrad

                                Vyacheslav Kanatov
                                CEO of Metsa Svir

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