Page 54 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 54


              Kommunar, Gatchinsky district

                                                        About the company

                                                       KNAUF PETROBOARD is the largest production and trade compa-
                                                       ny in Russia with more than 30 years of experience.
                                                       Since 2008 KNAUF PETROBOARD has been a member of the in-
                                                       ternational KNAUF Group, one of the largest producers of con-
                                                       struction materials in the world.
                                                       The history of the company begins in the mid-seventies when
                                                       a decision on construction of Leningrad cardboard factory
                                                       was made according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers
                                                       of the USSR No. 2222r on construction of enterprises for pro-
                                                       duction of boxboard from waste paper. But official foundation
                    Production of boxboard and         date is considered to be 31 January 1982 when the first duplex
                    linerboard                         cardboard was produced.

                    Year of establishment: 1982
                                                        About the products
                    Production capacity: 230,000
                    tonnes of cardboard per year       The main activity of KNAUF PETROBOARD is production and sale
                                                       of boxboard and linerboard. Linerboard is used for production
                    Number of employees: 787 people    of gypsum building boards. Boxboard is used for production
                                                       of individual multicoloured packaging.

                                                                                       Share of the company’s
                                                                                       products at the Russian
                                                                                       market (2019)





                                                                                      Products of KNAUF
                                                                                      PETROBOARD are also sold
                                                                                      in Europe and the CIS.

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