Page 57 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 57

Environmental policy

          Environmental activity of the company is aimed at protection of
          water resources and optimization of water consumption, reduction of
          environmental impact and introduction of advanced technological initiatives   International Paper
          for air pollution control, active promotion of implementation of the project   is a participant of working
          of the best available technology in pulp and paper industry of the Russian   groups under the Ministry
          Federation.                                                       of Natural Resources
                                                                            and Environment of the
          Forests used by International Paper in Russia, leaned or managed ones, as   Russian Federation and the
          well as wood supply chains are certified according to the standards of the   Government of Leningrad
          Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Application of FSC certification principles   Region on improvement of the
          allows conserving biodiversity. International Paper together with the state   forest legislation and it also
          and all interested parties work on establishment of efficient dialogue   actively works on promotion
          and responsible interaction among all participants of forest industry for   of the sustainable forest
          conservation and development of forests within the sustainable forest   management model.
          management model.

                                                                             150           million


                                                                             volume of planned investments
                                                                             up to 2021 in modernization
                                                                             of production capacities of
                                                                             the pulp and paper mill in
                                                                             Svetogorsk and execution of
                                                                             obligations in the sphere of
                                                                             safety and environment

                                Russia is a strategically important region    Contacts
                                for International Paper and we are proud
                                that we have established reliable, successful   17 Zavodskaya street, Svetogorsk,
                                and sustainable business with excellent       Vyborgsky district
                                management team, strong customer base
                                and significant opportunities for further     +7 (81378) 4-11-11
                                development. International Paper occupies
                                leading positions in Russia and actively exports   Office 601, 1 building I, Kropotkina
                                its products which meet European and world    street, Senator Business Centre,
                                quality standards.                            Saint Petersburg
                                                                              +7 (812) 334-57-30

                                Keith Townsend                      
                                President of International Paper Russia

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