Page 55 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 55

1982              1992-1993             2014                                     million

            Launch            Privatization         Joining             >250                 tonnes of
            of cardboard      and                   to KNAUF                                 waste paper
            production        corporatization       PETROBOARD
                                                                        recycled by the enterprise per year
                                                                        (recycling of 1 tonne of waste paper
                                                                        replaces about 3.6 m  of wood)

                                On 2 July 2017 the Government of Leningrad Region   Contacts
                                and KNAUF PETROBOARD concluded a Cooperation
                                agreement on implementation of the investment project on   9 Pavlovskaya street,
                                modernization of cardboard making machine No. 2.    the town of Kommunar,
                                The project was successfully implemented. In 2019    Gatchinsky district
                                the Russian market received cardboard of high quality
                                for production of gypsum building boards, the volume   +7 (812) 332-86-70
                                of export to Europe was increased. The environmental   +7 (812) 460-22-78
                                burden on the Izhora River was reduced.

                                Yuri Mikhailov                            
                                CEO of KNAUF PETROBOARD                   

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