Page 61 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 61


          The factory is equipped with four paper machines, production capacities
          are loaded by 99%.
          Characteristics of production: dissolution of waste paper materials, press-  93,502
          ing, drying, rolling, cutting of products by formats, paper and cardboard
          packaging.                                                             tonnes of products

          An automated gas boiler with two steam boilers was launched in 2015.
          In 2019 it is planned to purchase new equipment, carry out installation   planned volume of production
          works on modernization of grinding department of paper machines.       in 2019

                                 More than 90% of employees live in Kommunar, so our   Contacts
                                 enterprise actively cooperates with the Administration
                                 of the town of Kommunar by means of participation   1 Fabrichnaya street,
                                 in social programmes of the town which contribute   Kommunar, Gatchinsky
                                 to improvement of the standard of living and environment   district
                                 in the town. We concluded an agreement on participation
                                 in industrial activity of the forest industry cluster    +7  (812) 244-90-80
                                 of Leningrad region.

                                 Sergey Dikunets                           
                                 CEO of Paper Mill Kommunar

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