Page 77 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 77

1972              1974               1976-2000           2000                 2005

            Start of          The first          Development of      The company          Hovercraft moved from
            development of    hovercraft         hovercrafts with    started working in   Moscow to Podporozhye
            hovercrafts in    made under         various passenger   Leningrad region     and constructed the
            Central Design    the project of     and carrying        (under a different   first vessel without
            Bureau Neptun     Neptun Bureau      capacity            name)                participation of the third
                              was launched                                                party manufacturers


          The production complex of the enterprise includes a metal preparation   5,000 m                2
          section, an assembly shop (riveting, argon gas welding), a composite and
          molding section (molding of composite superstructures, propeller blades
          and fans), a machine processing workshop, a heat processing workshop,   production capacity of the
          a 3D printing workshop and an electrical production section.         enterprise, including about 2,500
                                                                               m  of industrial premises. The
          The company constantly improves the quality of produced goods and    enterprise has its own slipway.
          component materials

          Hovercraft is one of few companies with full production cycle which includes
          aluminum riveting, fiberglass molding, flexible seal sewing, turning and milling   1a Truda street, Podporozhye,
          operations. The enterprise produces all parts of hovercrafts: aluminum hull,   Podporozhsky district
          fiberglass superstructure, flexible seal, plastic propeller blades and blower   +7 (916) 499-81-81
          blades, electrical and assembling operations.                  

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