Benefits for traders

Benefits for traders

Do you know that in Leningrad region traders receive subsidies from the regional budget up to 35% from corporate income tax? Such support measure is available only in our region.

Traders receive benefits on corporate income tax and subsidies from the regional budget of Leningrad region which are provided quarterly. The amount of the subsidy depends on the income of an organization.

Some theoretical information: trading activity is a complex of commercial measures carried out by a business entity and connected only with wholesale trade of some types of products made by other entities.

Terms of support:

  •  registration in the territory of Leningrad region
  • average monthly revenue over the current year exceeds 100 million rubles
  • disposed goods are included in the list affirmed by the order of the Government of Leningrad region №158 of 05.09.2002

Advantages of undertaking trading activity in Leningrad region:

  • there are no similar support measures for trading activity in any other subject of the Russian Federation;
  • favourable investment climate of Leningrad region, its geographic location and foreign economic relations allow developing trading activities;
  • consulting and informational support for organizations prior to receiving exemptions and within contract duration.
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