Page 11 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 11
Enterpreneurship and Industry Support Fund
The Fund is a microcredit company which cooperates with 18 banks. Since 2019 it provides services
to enterprises of Leningrad region such as provision of microcredits, sureties (guarantees) and subsidies.
Soft loans: Support for small and medium-sized business:
loan amount: financial support: informational
• microloans and support
From 3 million rubles sureties
to 1 billion rubles • subsidies for
interest rate:
consulting organisation
From 1% to 10% support of education
Regional investment project (RIP), from 01.01.2020
10% corporate 0% corporate
property tax
income tax
Volume of investments: Volume of investments:
From 50 From 500 From 50 From 500
million rubles million rubles million rubles million rubles
from a tax period when the first revenue from a tax period when the first revenue
from sales of goods produced within RIP was from sales of goods produced within RIP was
received received
But not >4 years But not >6 years Within 4 years Within 6 years
From 50 million rubles Economic activity Not >90% – revenue from
– volume of capital – manufacturing sales of goods produced
investment within a period industries within RIP
Subsidies for automotive industry
Subsidies are provided once a year at the rate Conditions:
of the costs incurred on transportation of employees • Manufacturing industries
and professional training, retraining and advanced
professional training of personnel (from 1 January • Not >70% of the total revenue
to 30 September of the current financial year). from sales of goods