Page 16 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 16

General information

              Industrial production is the basis of the economy of Leningrad region.  104.4%
              Industrial complex of the region is presented by the enterprises
              of various industries.
                                                                               Industrial production index over
                                                                               three quarters of 2019

              Leaders in the structure of shipped goods (2018)

                   23.5%         Manufacture of petroleum          17.3%        Manufacture of food products,
                                 products and coke

                                                                             Large industrial centres
                         Leningrad region occupies                           of the region:

                         17 place           among Russian regions               •   Gatchina
                                                                                •   Kamennogorsk
                         2 place            in Northwestern federal             •   Tosno
                                                                                •   Otradnoe
                         in terms of the volume of manufactured                 •   Boksitogorsk
                         industrial products
                                                                                •   Volkhov
                                                                                •   Kingisepp

              Turnover of organizations operating in Leningrad region engaged in all types
              of economic activity (three quarters of 2019)

                                                    40.2%       Manufacturing industries
                                                                 815.1 billion rubles

                                                     9.8%       Provision of electricity, gas and steam

                                                                 199.2 billion rubles
                      2,029                          1.0%       Mining

                        billion rubles                           19.6 billion rubles

                                                     0.5%       Water supply, waste water disposal, waste
                                                                collection and recycling
                                                                 10.2 billion rubles

                                                     48.5%      Other

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