Page 21 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 21

2012                        2018                  2023

            Metachem entered PhosAgro   The volume            Implementation of the project will allow the Volkhov branch
            Group. The volume of        of production         of Apatit to increase production volume and put into
            production amounted         amounted              production highly effective types of fertilizers demanded
            to 178,809 tonnes           to 660,577 tonnes     at the market– ammophos and water soluble ammophos

                                                                     Projects being implemented

                                                                    In March 2019 implementation of a new investment
                                                                    project was launched at the production complex
                                                                    in Volkhov. The project completely complies
                                                                    with the long-term development strategy of
                                                                    chemical and petrochemical industries in Russia
                                                                    on modernization of already existing and creation
                                                                    of new production facilities using the best
                                                                    available technologies. It is aimed at strengthening
                                                                    food security in Russia and improvement of
                                                                    competitiveness of domestic manufacturers of
                                                                    fertilizers at foreign markets.
                                                                    During St. Petersburg International Economic
                                                                    Forum – 2019 PhosAgro and a Russian forwarder
                                                                    of mineral fertilizers in containers Ultramar signed
                                                                    a long-term contract on transshipment of mineral
                                                                    fertilizers through Ultramar terminal in the port
                                                                    of Ust-Luga. Taking into consideration prospects
            Today the investment project “Strategic development of the   of development of the Volkhov branch of Apatit,
            Volkhov branch of Apatit up to 2025” is being implemented,   dynamic transshipment of products through this
            which will allow creating 200 new jobs. The volume of   port will become an important condition of timely
            investments in development of production facilities will come   delivery of fertilizers made in Volkhov to foreign
            to 23.6 billion rubles.                                 customers.

                                The production plant in Volkhov has good prospects         Contacts
                                of development, favourable geographical location, highly
                                professional personnel. Together with investments in development   20 Kirovsky avenue, Volkhov,
                                we will develop social programmes. This will help to establish   Volkhovsky district
                                healthy and comfortable environment in Volkhov. We pay special
                                attention to environmental safety of the enterprise, especially   +7 (81363) 64-902
                                as it is located in the city area. Leningrad region has established
                                favourable investment climate. We are really glad that we work
                                in Volkhov – a town with a rich industrial history. And we hope
                                to return great traditions of a large industrial centre not only
                                of the region, but also of the country on the whole.

                                Alexey Ikonnikov
                                Director of the Volkhov branch of Apatit

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