Page 26 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 26

NOVATEK – Ust-Luga

              Vistino, Kingiseppsky district

                                                        About the complex

                                                       A complex for fractioning and transshipment of stable natu-
                                                       ral-gas condensate located in Ust-Luga port on the Baltic Sea
                                                       allows for the processing of stable natural-gas condensate
                                                       into light and heavy naphtha, kerosene, diesel fraction and
                                                       a component of fuel oil and for exporting finished products
                                                       by means of sea transport. The complex also allows transship-
                                                       ping stable natural-gas condensate for export delivery.

                                                       The complex was launched in 2013, optimizing the logistics
                                                       and reducing transport costs due to its convenient location
                                                       in Ust-Luga, contrary to the Vitino port where stable natu-
                                                       ral-gas condensate used to be exported from.

                    Processing of stable natural-gas
                    condensate into commercial oil
                    products and export of finished
                    products by means of marine

                    Year of establishment: 2010

                    Production capacity: 6 million
                    tonnes of stable natural-gas
                    condensate per year.
                    Range of productivity: 70-120%

               Main facilities

              •  2 installations for fractionation of stable
                natural-gas condensate, with project
                capacity of 6 million tonnes per year
                (3 million tonnes each)

              •  storage facility
              •  2 deep water docks equipped with marine    30          million tonnes
                                                                        of products
                loading arms that can accomodate tankers
                with deadweight of up to 120,000 tonnes     processed and shipped by the enterprise since 2013

              •  administration zone
                                                            The products of the complex are exported
              •  engineering systems and networks           to Europe and the Pacific Rim countries.

              •  treatment plants

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