Page 27 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 27

About the products

           •  naphtha (light and heavy)
                                                   Currently there are no analogues to the Ust-Luga industrial complex
           •  fuel for turbojet engines Jet-A1     in the Russian Federation. Moreover, there are not more than
           •  marine fuel component                10 similar complexes that include processing, storage and shipment
                                                   of various products to marine vessels across the world.
           •  diesel fraction

                                In May 2013 the Government of Leningrad Region signed   Contacts
                                an Agreement with NOVATEK – Ust-Luga according to which
                                the company invested in development of an oil processing   5 Shkolnaya street, Vistino
                                plant in the territory of the region. Additionally, over the last   village, Kingiseppsky district
                                5 years, the company allocated funds for several programmes
                                designed to improve living standards and the quality of living   +7 (81375) 61-001
                                in Kingiseppsky district. Among them are construction and
                                renovation of educational and medical facilities, residential
                                buildings, sport and wellness centres, assistance in solving
                                pressing issues in the municipal units.       

                                Dmitry Bendyuzhik
                                CEO of NOVATEK – Ust-Luga

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