Page 25 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 25

Factory in Tosnensky district

          TECHNONICOL Corporation launched a plant that produces extruded      300
          foam polystyrene for thermal insulation in Tosnensky district of Len-
          ingrad region. This material is used for thermal insulation of housing   thousand m
          foundation, floors, roofs, facades and caps. The plant is equipped with
          modern assembly lines from the leading producers. The investments    products per year – capacity
          in implementation of this project amounted to 1 billion rubles.      of the factory

                                We have successfully worked in Leningrad       Contacts
                                region for over 25 years. Moreover, the
                                history of TECHNONICOL Production company     11 2nd Vertikalniy way, building 1,
                                began here, in this region. Every business    Annolovo, Tosnensky district
                                values support of the regional government,
                                as it impacts success of the enterprise, for   7 Ruberoidnaya street, Vyborg,
                                                                              Vyborgsky district
                                this reason we hope for further cooperation
                                on infrastructural matters.                   8-800-600-05-65
                                Sergey Kolesnikov
                                Co-owner and President              
                                of TECHNONICOL Corporation

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