Page 30 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 30

Phosphorit Industrial Group

              Kingisepp, Kingiseppsky district

                                                        About the company

                                                       Phosphorit Industrial Group is one of the leading
                                                       manufacturers of phosphorous fertilizers and fodder
                                                       phosphates in the North-West of Russia, as well as sulphuric
                                                       and phosphoric acids for its own production needs. The
                                                       produced goods are delivered to consumers in more than
                                                       70 countries in the world and 35 regions of the Russian

                                                       Construction of Phosphorit factory in Kingisepp started in the
                                                       early 60s of the twentieth century. The government decision
                                                       to construct a mining and processing plant was made after
                                                       discovering phosphorite fields in Kingiseppsky district.
                                                       On 25 December 1963 the Government committee
                                                       signed an act opening the first line of phosphate mines
                    Production of phosphorous          in Kingisepp. This date is considered to be an official birthday
                    fertilizers and fodder phosphates   of Phosphorit.

                    Year of establishment: 1963        In the early 70s construction of a chemical complex began.
                                                       Its first facility, which was opened at the end of 1972, was
                    Volume of production:              the sulphuric acid workshop.
                    1 million tonnes of goods per year
                    Volume of investments:
                    25 billion rubles (2001-2018)

                    Number of employees:
                    1,148 people

              Over the next seven years the site for
              production of extractive phosphoric acid,
              three sections of the ammophos workshop
              and the second sulphuric acid workshop
              were opened. By the end of 1984 the fodder
              workshop released its first production.
              At this time Phosphorit became one of the
              leading enterprises in the Russian chemical
              sector.                                      Phosphorit Industrial Group supports priority
                                                           charity sectors – education, sports and healthcare.
              In 2001 Phosphorit became a part of the
              Mineral and Chemical Company EuroChem                           sponsorship of the
              – a global manufacturer and distributer      400                enterprise to social
              of a full range of fertilizers and industrial                   institutions in the region
              products with production assets located       million rubles    over the last 15 years
              at four continents and sales and distribution
              network operating all over the world.

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