Page 21 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 21


        Fund for Support of Entrepreneurship and Industry of Leningrad Region, Microloan Company was established
        in 2018 with the aim to create favourable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized business and provide
        government support to new and current entrepreneurs, as well as to self-employed people and individuals who plan
        to set up a business.The Fund is a single management body for all organizations of support infrastructure in Leningrad
        region at the regional and municipal levels.
        Fund’s services:
        • microloans at promotional rates and guarantees (surety bonds) on loans
        • consultations regarding setting up, running a business, and receiving government support
        • training programmes for entrepreneurs, self-employed people and those who plan to set up a business
        • assistance in the promotion of goods and services of small and medium-sized businesses
        • organization and holding of communication events
        • consultations of Regional Engineering Centre

                                   Our goal is to ensure that as many representatives of small and medium-sized business
                                   in our region benefit from the government support – services of the Fund and My Business
                                   Centre of Leningrad region.

                                   For each target audience, the Fund can offer a “set” of support measures and provide
                                   services as a single set. We note that more and more business representatives who
                                   have applied for one service come to us again. An example is an individual entrepreneur
                                   who received consulting assistance from the Fund during the pandemic, then received
                                   microloans, and managed to develop new business directions.

                                   The Fund is permanently striving to expand support measures and simplify the process of
                                   their obtaining.

                                   Valery Beresnev, Director of Fund for Support of Entrepreneurship and Industry of
                                   Leningrad Region, Microloan Company

        Successful cases:

        Mufty NSK                                             Akvatok
        Specializes in production of NSK couplings. In 2020   Produces energy-efficient high-tech products for the
        the company addressed the Fund concerning the         hydropower industries. Designs, manufactures and
        possibility of equipment leasing on preferential terms.   implements industrial pumps in the chemical and oil refining
        The Fund helped the enterprise to acquire a program   industries, as well as pumps for thermal power stations. The
        controlled screw-cutting lathe. Leasing interest rate   company received guarantee support from the Fund –
        amounted to 6% per annum, because the equipment       a surety bond to replenish working capital in the amount of
        was made in Russia.                                   24 mln rubles.

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