Page 23 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 23

Cluster Development Centre

        Creation of conditions for effective interaction between participating enterprises for the interests of developing territorial
        clusters and implementing joint cluster projects:

        • comprehensive support for cluster participants      • carrying out market researches
        • promotion of cooperative opportunities of the regional   • placement on specialized e-trading platforms
        enterprises                                           • conducting procurement sessions on requests from major
        • search for new business partners, suppliers of raw materials   manufacturers and investors
        and necessary equipment                               • participation in sectoral exhibitions and communication
        • placing information about enterprises on the industrial   events for cooperation development
        cooperation portal                    • consulting assistance in obtaining government support

        All services are provided to industrial enterprises of Leningrad region free of charge.

                                             Regional Competence Centre

        Targeted support concerning assistance in improvement of labour productivity at medium and large enterprises of basic non-
        resource industries of Leningrad region, implementation of the national project Labour Productivity and Employment Support.

        • consultations of leading Russian experts in the field of lean production
        • participation in educational and training programs

        Enterprises operating in manufacturing, agriculture, transport, trade, construction can participate in the national project Labour
        Productivity. The annual revenue should amount from 400 million rubles to 30 billion rubles per year, and the share of foreign
        tax residents in the share capital of a legal entity should not exceed 50%. To participate in the national project, register on the
        website: производительность.рф.

                                                Export Support Centre

        Assistance in increasing the volume of export of non-resource products of small and medium-sized business in Leningrad
        • export contract support                             • participation in international exhibitions and business
        • search for a foreign buyer                          missions
        • provision of access by small and medium-sized enterprises   • participation in reverse and interregional business missions
        to the requests of foreign buyers                     • acceleration programs
        • placement on e-trading platforms                    • international certification

        Services are provided to small and medium-sized business of Leningrad region free of charge or on favorable
        co-financing terms.

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