Page 22 - Atlas_2019_rus
P. 22


        Industry Development Centre of Leningrad Region is a regional support institution established to promote the competitiveness
        of industrial enterprises in the region. The Centre includes three subdivisions: Cluster Development Centre, Export Support
        Centre, and Regional Competence Centre.

                                   Industry Development Centre provides services to industrial enterprises of the region,
                                   as well as small and medium-sized business. More specifically, the Centre provides
                                   assistance to the enterprises willing to improve their competitiveness, increase production
                                   volume, reduce costs, find new partners, expand sales at both domestic and foreign
                                   markets, introduce the principles of lean production, reduce government support at the
                                   regional and federal levels.

                                   Our experts provide assistance to the enterprises in elimination of inefficiency in business
                                   processes, train employees to improve labour productivity using lean production tools.

                                   Vera Shtokaylo,
                                   Director of Industry Development Centre of Leningrad Region

        Successful cases:

        Tosnensky Mixed Feed Factory                          Koporsky Ivan-Tea
        The Export Support Centre assisted the enterprise     The company became one of the first five regional enter-
        in obtaining a GMP+ certificate. This certification system   prises that the Export Support Centre took on compre-
        allows guaranteeing the safety of the entire production   hensive support for entering foreign markets. Before that,
        chain and export products to European countries.      all the company’s products were presented only on the
                                                              Russian market. Initially, the enterprise chose China as the
        Now the factory in Tosno is the only one in Leningrad   priority market. In June 2019, thanks to cooperation with
        region that has certified a feed materials production   the Export Support Centre, the company’s products were
        line and has already signed export contracts with     presented at the international exhibition CISMEF in Guang-
        contractors for whom the obtaining of this certificate   zhou, where two major Chinese tea producers and a large
        was a key issue.                                      trading company became interested in the products of the
                                                              regional enterprise.
        Today, no more than 830 mixed feed factories in the
        world have GMP+ certificates. In addition, the Centre   At the end of 2019, the Centre held consultations with the
        helped the enterprise to obtain a Halal certificate   involvement of third-party experts, as well as provided
        for further work on the markets of the Middle East. A   services for finding partners in Germany, preparing and
        request for the horse feed supply to the United Arab   reviewing the contract. The result of the work was the con-
        Emirates is currently being processed.                clusion of a contract for a total amount of 30 million rubles.

          22                                                                                Leningrad region: Investor’s guide
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