Building materials industry

Today the cluster of building materials is being established in Leningrad region. In the future development of the cluster will occur as the result of creation of new plants producing materials for house construction, finishing materials, development of cooperation ties between participants of the cluster, expansion of cooperation with institutions and organizations of applied science.

More than 30 enterprises operate in the branch. The volume of production traditionally depends on the pace of construction not only in Leningrad region, but also in Saint Petersburg, which is the largest consumer of building materials manufactured by the regional enterprises.

The industry occupies 7th place in Leningrad region in terms of the volume of shipped products and amounts to 4.3% of the total volume of shipped industrial products in 2022.

billion rubles

volume of shipped produced goods, performed works and services in production of other non-metallic mineral products (2024)


in comparison with 2023

billion rubles

volume of performed works in the sphere of construction (2024)


in comparison with 2023

4 065
thousand м²

commissioning of residential housing (2024)


in comparison with 2023

17 422
million rubles

volume of investments in fixed assets in the sphere of construction (2023)


physical volume index by 2022

Volume of production of the main types of building materials:

Ready-mix concrete, million m³

1 (133,6%)

Portland cement, calcium aluminate cement, blast furnace cement, similar hydraulic cements, million tonnes

3.9 (110,17%)

Ceramic plates and tiles, million m²

10,4 (87,5%)

Ceramic building brick, million bricks

218,2 (92,3%)

Building blocks and other construction products for buildings, million m³

1,5 (115,6%)

2024 (% in comparison with 2023)

Competitive advantages

  • access to a large sales market (Saint Petersburg)
  • territorial and production interdependence of construction enterprises of Leningrad region
  • availability of scientific and educational infrastructure

Key development directions

  • development of cooperation ties between enterprises participating in the Cluster
  • increase in the number of enterprises implementing new technologies of building materials production
  • creation of conditions for development of small and medium-sized business in the sphere of building materials construction
  • introduction of innovative and composite building materials and products made of them during construction of transport infrastructure facilities and housing and utilities facilities, as well as in civil and industrial construction
  • development of machine building base for construction of modern hi-tech equipment for enterprises manufacturing construction materials and industrial house building

Government support

Government support at the regional level:

  • reduction of corporate income tax (from 17% to 13.5%)
  • reduction of corporate property tax (from 2.2% to 0%)
  • reduction of corporate income tax within special investment contract (SPIC) (from 17% to 5%) and reduction of corporate property tax (from 2.2% to 0%)

Government support at the federal level:

  • provision of loans at a rate of 5% per annum for 5 years amounting from 50 to 500 million rubles (Industry Development Fund)
  • partial reimbursement of expenses on research and development in priority directions of civil industry within the frameworks of implementation of comprehensive investment projects
  • partial reimbursement of expenses on implementation of comprehensive projects on creation of hi-tech production with participation of Russian higher education organizations, state scientific institutions


  • LSR. Wall Materials: construction of a new factory for production of bricks in Kirovsky municipal district
  • LSR. Reinforced Concrete – North-West: creation of new facilities of LSR Group for production of reinforced concrete products in Leningrad region
  • Nefrit Ceramics: modernization of production and introduction of energy saving programmes