28.1 million USD – total volume of supported export


Export Support Centre of Leningrad Region became the second in Russia in terms of support provided to export enterprises in 2020.

The results of work of regional organizations providing support for foreign trade activity over the first half of the year were announced at the All-Russian online conference of export support centres.

Over the first 6 months of 2020 152 small and medium-sized enterprises have received support of the regional Export Support Centre.

35 regional enterprises concluded export contracts. And the total volume of supported export over this period amounted to 28.1 million USD, while the planned index was 10 million USD.

Besides, the total volume of contracts has already exceeded the level of 2019.

The geography of supported export includes 19 countries. Small and medium-sized enterprises of Leningrad region mainly exported products of timber industry, agriculture and chemical industry.

Among new countries for export of the regional products are: delivery of fertilizers to the Togolese Republic, of lumber to overseas regions of France, such as Reunion and Guadeloupe, and of compound feed for fish to the Faroe Islands – an autonomous Danish region.

Increase of the share of non-resource export is a task set by May decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, included in the national project “International cooperation and export” and is being implemented in Leningrad region within regional projects “Systemic measures of support for international cooperation and export” and “Acceleration of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship”.

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