Kiwi, feijoa and spinach, melon and chia seeds, grapefruit and pineapple – yogurt smoothies of Valio with six original combinations of fruits and berries will be produced in Leningrad region.
The product line also includes combinations of tangerine and lime, mango and passion fruit, blueberry, banana and chia seeds.
The new line was opened at Galactika dairy factory in Gatchina. The launch coincided with an anniversary of Valio production at Galactika premises which is the first partnership production of Valio in the Russian Federation, launched in 2009.
The capacity will come to 800 tonnes of finished goods per month. The cost of the production line is 70 million rubles.
During the opening ceremony the first yogurt smoothie packaging was sent to the upper atmosphere and became the first Valio product which conquered the near space.