Investment portal of leningrad region

Actualization of Strategy-2030

Actualization of Strategy-2030

Public discussion of the draft of updated Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Leningrad Region up to 2030 began.

Actualization of the main document of socio-economic development of the region was required in connection with indicators defined in the Order of the Russian President “On National Development Goals and Objectives of the Russian Federation up to 2024”. Global trends, which will be strengthening in the long run and influencing social and economic situation in Leningrad region, were also updated.

The document takes into consideration competitive advantages of the region and it is focused on consistent challenges in priority spheres: demography, healthcare, export, food security, transport complex, comfortable urban environment and tourism. Specific actions and solutions are prepared for each direction.

According to the order of the Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko, special attention in the draft of the updated Strategy is paid to spatial development – this approach allows applying implementation of the regional priorities to specific territories. Equal distribution of production and human resources for reduction of an imbalance in the quality of life of the population is another important goal. Besides, suggestions of the residents were also considered during the process of updating the strategic document. They were included in the section on spatial development and as solutions concerning industry priorities.

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