The ceremony took place in the House of the Government of Leningrad Region. Alexander Drozdenko received the certificate of the head of Leningrad region and the symbol of power.
The Governor took oath according to the Charter of the region. “While exercising the authority of the Governor of Leningrad region I swear to maintain the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the federal legislation, the Charter and laws of Leningrad region, to perform my duties honestly and conscientiously, to serve prosperity of Leningrad region and welfare of its residents,” solemnly said Alexander Drozdenko.
Summing up the results of the previous period of his work the Governor noted that over the last five years the situation in the region has significantly improved. “We’ve become the only region in the North-West without reduction of the budget revenue and we have +5% over the 8 months to the level of the previous year. This proves that the development strategy chosen for Leningrad region works and gives results.”
Alexander Drozdenko also noted that in the near five years the region will be continuing to improve socio-economic development, and the basis for this work will be a new law on social guarantees in Leningrad region.