A new factory of Voskhod company for production of drinking water and soft drinks was opened in the village of Bolshie Kolpany, Gatchinsky district. The main raw material is water extracted from the wells owned by the company.
Since 1 September the enterprise of Voskhod is included in the list of the regional investment projects (RIP). This is a tax benefit provided by the Government of Leningrad region for new initiatives.
To receive this benefit an applicant should meet the following requirements:
- the volume of capital investments over the period – from 50 million rubles;
- the revenue from sales of goods produced as the result of RIP implementation, should be not less than 90% from all revenues of an organization taken into consideration while determining a tax base;
- type of economic activity – manufacturing industries.
An investor with a project included in the list of the regional investment projects receives:
- reduced to 10% corporate income tax rate;
- 0% corporate property tax.
If the volume of investments amounts from 50 million rubles, then support is provided for not more than 4 years, from 500 million rubles – not more than 6 years.