Investment portal of leningrad region

Benefits for the residents of the territory of advanced development


Applications for launching business in the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo can be submitted until 31 January 2021.

Submit an application to use benefits provided for the residents of the territory of advanced development:

  • 0% corporate property tax, first 5 years
  • 0% federal part of corporate income tax, 5% regional part of corporate income tax, first 5 years
  • 0% land value tax, 10 years
  • reduction of payments to extra-budgetary funds from 30.2% to 7.6%

Clear requirements for investment projects of the residents of the territory of advanced social and economic development:

  • investments from 2.5 million rubles
  • creation of not less than 10 jobs
  • less than 25% of foreign labour force
  • registration of a legal entity in the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo
  • a wide range of the types of permitted economic activities

Today, together with preferential conditions, there are 23 sites with total area from 0.5 to 90 ha available in the territory of advanced social and economic development. 11 sites already have finished infrastructure, such as power supply with capacity of 1.2 MW and heat supply with capacity of 2.4 Gcal/hour.

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