The head of the economic sector of the Government of Leningrad region Dmitry Yalov held a meeting with regional companies which was dedicated to support for exporters of Leningrad region and results of work of Export Support Centre.
This year the volume of financial support for small enterprises on partial reimbursement of expenses connected with export activity was increased to 30 million rubles, the sum of a subsidy – up to 3.5 million rubles.
“For those who is just making the first “export” steps we prepare “a packaged offer” for successful entry to the international market,” added Dmitry Yalov.
The results of work of Export Support Centre of Leningrad Region in 2019:
- 60 enterprises of Leningrad region concluded export contracts;
- the total sum of the contracts – over 20 million USD;
- 212 small and medium-sized companies received support for development of export activity.
“Successful entry to foreign markets depends, first of all, on work aimed at increase of competitiveness of your products. And we will provide you with all necessary measures of support,” told Dmitry Yalov to exporting companies.