An international business forum of Leningrad region “Baltic G2B Forum” will take place on 17-18 September.
The Forum is dedicated to interaction of business and regional authorities concerning localization and measures of support for business, foreign economic activity and business cooperation. This is a platform for a dialogue between representatives of Leningrad region and business community from Europe, Asia and America. More than 500 people and 10 foreign delegations from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the USA, Japan, South Korea, China, Benelux countries will participate in the Forum.
The programme of Baltic G2B Forum will include a business networking session, a plenary session with participation of the Governor of Leningrad region, representatives of authorities and business, practical sessions dedicated to localization, export and cooperation. The programme of 17 September will include visits to the largest enterprises of Leningrad region.
The first investment forum of Leningrad region “Baltic Region – China” was organized in 2019. About 300 people, including 3 foreign delegations, visited the Forum. Russian-German Chamber of Commerce became a partner of the Forum. More than 20 Chinese companies from various industries, 20 companies of German-Russian Economic Council and enterprises of Leningrad region conducted negotiations during the networking session. In 2020 the programme of the Forum will be expanded and its name will be changed.
The Forum is organized by Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region and Industry Development Centre of Leningrad Region. The partners of the Forum are Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, Leningrad Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, public organization Business Russia.