Construction site in Ust-Luga controlled by robots


Robotic dogs, self-propelled platforms, convertiplanes and drones have joined the construction of the Complex for the processing of ethane-containing gas (CPEG) in the Kingisepp district.

They will scan, photograph, film, process information and transfer data to a special digital platform - this is a Russian development, where the timing, volume and quality of work performed will be monitored in real time. These devices are currently being tested at the CPEG construction site.

According to Konstantin Makhov, General Director of RusGazDobycha, the ethane-containing gas processing complex in Ust-Luga will be the first in Russia to have such a large-scale robotic monitoring of all processes, from pile driving to commissioning.

The digital model of large-scale production is being created in accordance with the digitalization strategy of Russian industry and the economy as a whole. Robotics can record all processes on the site, and special software can clearly determine whether what is happening corresponds to the specified parameters.

The program compares the materials used with those prescribed in the estimate, counts the number of workers on the site, monitors compliance with safety rules by each of them - if an employee does not use, for example, a helmet, the digital controller will notice this.

In the course of work, all the collected information flows into a single system. Work areas with equipment, dozens of technological processes, hundreds of companies and thousands of employees are combined in one digital space. At the final stage, the program automatically prepares summary analytics and generates reports on assembled structures, materials used, planned dates and other parameters.


The project of the ethane-containing gas processing complex (CPEG) in Ust-Luga is being implemented by JSC RusGazDobycha and PJSC Gazprom and with the support of the state corporation VEB.RF. For the first time, all the main technological processes of deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials are combined at one site - from primary gas processing with the release of valuable components to the production of LNG and the production of polymers. CPEG will include the largest gas processing plant in Russia, the largest LNG production facility in the European region, and the world's largest unit capacity for the production of polyethylene. All production facilities are technologically interconnected, which minimizes the cost of construction, operation and supply of raw materials.

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