Entrepreneur Day in Leningrad region


This holiday has been celebrated for several years. It is no coincidence that it was established in the region. Support for individual entrepreneurial initiative is one of the most important priorities for Leningrad region.

A celebration summarizing the results of the year took place yesterday in Igora and gathered regional entrepreneurs and representatives of authorities.

“This year we started implementation of the national project on development of small and medium-sized business. The total volume of support for small and medium-sized business exceeded 800 million rubles, it was increased by almost 40% in comparison with the previous year. And these funds were mostly directed to non-financial measures of support which can be used by a wide range of entrepreneurs. In 2020 we will retain such volume,” said Deputy Chairman of the Government of Leningrad Region Dmitry Yalov.

One of the most important events for business in 2019 was opening of a regional centre My Business operating on the basis of Entrepreneurship Support Fund. The Centre provides services and support for business on “one-stop-shop” principle.

Also 15 million rubles were provided for reimbursement of expenses to exporting companies for the first time.

Business support infrastructure was established and works for every entrepreneur of Leningrad region.

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