German investors choose Leningrad region


Leningrad region entered top 5 Russian regions with the best conditions for investments.

This data was presented in the results of the survey conducted by Russian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) concerning business climate in Russia in 2020.

30% member companies of Russian-German Chamber of Commerce plan to increase investments in Russia. And Leningrad region entered 10 main regions attractive for German business in terms of investments.

According to Bundesbank, the volume of direct investment of German business in Russian economy in the first quarter amounted to 1.8 billion euro. “Russia is kind of hidden champion in terms of German investments,” said Chairman of the Board of AHK Matthias Schepp.

Leningrad region is a reliable partner for German investors. Unmatched advantages of the region in the sphere of logistics and labour market, implementation of large investment projects, strong diversified economy, openness and support of the regional Government provide open great prospects for new projects of German investors in the region.

Expansion of Russian-German cooperation, according to the participants of the survey, is most likely in mechanical engineering and construction, as well as traditional (oil and gas) and renewable energy sources.

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