Russian President Vladimir Putin defined priorities in increase of economic growth which include growth of non-resource export more than 1.5 times over six years.
According to the results of 2018, Leningrad region has exported products amounting to more than 7.1 billion USD (26.8% growth in comparison with 2017). The share of non-resource export in the total volume of regional export came to 96% or 6.8 billion USD.
“Over the last three years we see positive dynamics of non-resource export. So we can say with confidence that the growth of non-resource export will come to 90% by 2025,” commented the Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko.
Leningrad region is among other pilot regions which start introduction of the regional Export Standard 2.0. Implementation of the Standard aimed at provision of favourable conditions for development of export activity will allow increasing the number of exporters in Leningrad region and the volume of non-resource export, expanding export geography.
Export Support Centre is being established in the region to provide support to export oriented enterprises. The Centre organizes education for regional enterprises under the programme “Project Life Cycle” which will allow, first of all, small companies to start export deliveries. The Centre will also provide services on export audit of enterprises and export support until conclusion of a contract and training trade on e-trading platform. This will allow companies to find contractors abroad, enter new markets or increase the volume of products which is being exported already.