Growth points for your business


Companies of Leningrad region receive even more support and feedback. Despite the quarantine.

Over the last two months the team of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region is working online in order to organize a large number of events and meetings. The main thing is that we are interacting with business even faster and closer.

We keep in touch. Always. We hear business of Leningrad region and look for growth points together.

We organized 3 anti-crisis online meetings for business operating in Leningrad region with the head of the economic team of the regional Government Dmitry Yalov.

We prepared a series of conferences of the economic team for business “New crisis – new opportunities”: 8 conferences, the most important issues about business in the current pandemic conditions, interesting speakers, important conclusions.

We provide information about measures of business support 24/7. All information is prepared in a convenient form of infographics.

We did not stop our work with investment project. Department of Investment Projects Support have the following achievements: a positive conclusion of the inter-departmental commission, launch of production, receiving the status of a large-scale investment project, reduction of payments for connection to electric grids.

We are always at the side of business. For example, our assistance helped a company to receive deferred payment of interest under a loan agreement.

We organized meetings with Finnish and Swedish business working in Leningrad region and specified conditions of work in the current situation.

A brochure “Investor’s guide of Leningrad region”, prepared together with Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, was published.

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