Investment portal of leningrad region

Implementation of investment project by PhosAgro


An investment project on creation of new capacities for mineral fertilizers production by PhosAgro is being implemented according to schedule.

A liquid ammonia warehouse with capacity of 490 tonnes has been already built at the site of the planned enterprise, new railways to the facility have been modernized and constructed. Commissioning works are launched at this site and at energy facilities.

The new plant will allow producing more than 1.1 million tonnes of sulfuric acid a year, 500,000 tonnes of phosphoric acid a year and 800,000 tonnes of ammophos a year. Works under the investment project are planned to be completed by 2023, volume of investments – 28 billion rubles. More than 200 jobs for highly qualified specialists will be created at the new production facilities. Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region provides support to implementation of the investment project.

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