Investment portal of leningrad region

Industrial development

Industrial development

Industrial production index of Leningrad region is steadily growing – according to the results of 2018 it came to 104.9% (in comparison with 2017). The volume of investments in fixed assets in industry amounted to128.5 billion rubles (including manufacturing industries – 65.2 billion rubles).

Here is short summary of results of the work of industry of Leningrad region in 2018:

  • 1 214.4 billion rubles – the volume of produced goods (114.9% in comparison with 2017)
  • 30.8% – the share of manufacturing industries in the gross regional product

Top-5 activities in terms of industrial production index:

  • 126.1% – production of finished metal goods
  • 126% – production of machinery and equipment
  • 115.3% – extraction of minerals
  • 114.7% – production of other vehicles
  • 114.5% – water supply, recycling⠀

Top-5 activities in terms of the growth of produced goods:

  • +39.4% – production of chemical substances and chemical products
  • +28.5% – production of other vehicles
  • +26.5% – production of tobacco products
  • +25.0% – production of coke and petroleum products
  • +24.9% – production of electric equipment

In 2018 149,484 people (+2.5% in comparison with 2017) worked in industry of Leningrad region. The most part of experts work in production of other vehicles and equipment, food products, other non-metal mineral products, finished metal goods, paper and paper products.

The average salary of employees in industry of Leningrad region increased by 8% in comparison with 2017 and came to 50 528.3 rubles.

The volume of services in transportation and storage increased by 19.2% in comparison with 2017 and came to 184.4 billion rubles.

According to information of Petrostat (Federal Statistics Service in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region).

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