Leningrad region helps to attract foreign specialists


Leningrad region suggests improving the mechanism of attraction of foreign personnel.

The Committee for Labour and Employment of Leningrad Region asked the Operation Headquarters for Prevention of Importation and Spread of New Coronavirus Infection to revise the criteria of participation of employers in the algorithm of actions aimed at attraction of foreign citizens to the economy of the Russian Federation. The region suggests providing the regional inter-departmental commissions with the right to make decisions about the necessity to attract foreign employees.

Current algorithm was adopted by the Operation Headquarters in January 2021, because the restrictions connected with crossing the border of the Russian Federation, caused staff shortage at the enterprises of the country, including those in Leningrad region. The approved algorithm became a solution to the difficulties appeared at the large enterprises that require foreign technical specialists dealing with installation, adjustment and maintenance of production equipment.

And the established rules allow attracting foreign workers by enterprises with more than 250 employees, with income for the previous calendar year exceeding 2 billion rubles and if they participate in implementation of the national and federal projects, socio-economic development programmes, investment projects and international intergovernmental agreements.

Today these requirements do not allow using this algorithm by a significant number of employers, especially those who need to attract foreign employees badly, for example in construction and agriculture. Thus, for example, today only 4 organizations in Leningrad region have the right to attract foreign workers.  

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