The region took first place in the ESG ranking of Russian regions.
The annual ESG ranking was prepared by the RAEX rating agency based on the results of 2021.
The Leningrad Region topped the integral ranking, moving up from 8th to 1st place. In the study, the regions are compared by the level of ESG risk management by three components - environmental and social risks, as well as the quality of management.
“The experts gave a high comprehensive assessment of the application of the principles of sustainable development, but, of course, we still have something to work on in all three areas. We continue to improve our work with business, we are introducing the "Green Corridor for Investors" project in order to come to a single standard, both at the regional and municipal levels. We have a high level of financial management, we are one of the regions with a low debt burden. A lot of work remains to be done in terms of ecology: next year we plan to adopt a regional strategy for low-carbon development, we are already closing old landfills and switching to modern technologies for recycling waste with their secondary use, ”said Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region, on the results of the ranking.
This year, the region took 3rd place in terms of management quality, this assessment takes into account investment attractiveness and business support, the availability of key tools to improve the quality of public administration and transparency, as well as data from the Ministry of Finance on the financial situation and quality of regional finance management. Experts note that the leading regions, including the Leningrad Region, are distinguished by high indicators in terms of the transparency of their activities and the construction of investment infrastructure.
“Team 47” takes management innovation very seriously. The third place in the management rating is, first of all, due to the fact that any decision that affects the business does not just go through the procedure for assessing the regulatory impact, but is also adjusted based on the results of discussions with the business. We have also created the most effective strategic project management system, ”said Dmitry Yalov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Leningrad Region - Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment.
According to the social criterion, the region occupies the 9th position. This indicator takes into account the level of income of the population, population dynamics and the creation of new jobs, budgetary spending on social policy, education, health care, and security.
The Leningrad Region ranks 13th in terms of environmental risks. Among the indicators that are taken into account in the study, the volume of emissions of harmful substances from vehicles per capita and the use of natural gas as a motor fuel, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and their neutralization, wastewater discharge and water reuse, waste generation and processing and the ratio of MSW removal and their processing.