Leningrad region is among leaders

Leningrad region is among leaders

Investment projects of Leningrad region entered top-8 largest agreements concluded during St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2019.

The organizer of the Forum Roscongress Foundation summed up the main results of one of the most important economic events of the year. 745 agreements amounting to 3.2 trillion rubles were signed during the Forum (agreements which do not include confidential information). The first place among the largest contracts belongs to the agreement for 750 billion rubles on social and economic cooperation in implementation of the project concluded between Leningrad region and RusKhimAlyans. The project is aimed at creation of a complex on processing of ethane-containing gas and production of liquefied natural gas near Ust-Luga, Kingiseppsky district.

The third place in the financial rating belongs to a memorandum of intent to conclude special investment contracts on implementation of projects of EuroChem – North-West-2 signed by Leningrad region and EuroChem. The sum of the agreement is 163 billion rubles (2.5 billion USD).

During SPIEF-2019 Leningrad region signed investment agreements to the total sum exceeding 1 trillion rubles. More than 9,300 jobs will be created in the region under these agreements. According to the results of research conducted by the experts of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningrad region is expected to show the highest growth rates of the real wages in 2019 and the first half of 2020 (7.1%). Experts explain this, first of all, by implementation of large investment projects.  

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