Leningrad region entered top 10 Russian regions in terms of the number of industrial parks.
The region occupied 6th place in the first ranking of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of industrial parks and technology parks.
The ranking takes into consideration 11 industrial parks of Leningrad region: Levoberezhny, Greenstate, Pikalevo, Kola, Northwestern Nanotechnology Centre, M10 Pioner, M10 Yam-Izhora, M10 Telmana, M10 Nikolskoe, M10 Krasniy Bor, Fyodorovskoe.
The statistics were collected by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia using geoinformation system www.gisip.ru: the management companies of the parks filled in special forms which then were validated by the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia and the Association of Clusters, Technology Parks of Russia. The Ministry together with the Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat) approved 16 statistical indicators of work of industrial parks and technology parks and prepared a unified methodology for their calculation.
The land-use planning scheme of Leningrad region includes 23 industrial parks: 11 – already operating, 6 – under construction, 6 – planned sites. The sites which have the status of the industrial park of Leningrad region can receive tax benefits within 6 years according to the regional law: corporate income tax is reduced to 13.5%, corporate property tax – to 0%. Also within 8 years, they can receive a rental benefit for the use of land plots in regional and undivided ownership.