Leningrad region keeps in touch with Finnish business

Leningrad region keeps in touch with Finnish business

The economic team of the Government of Leningrad region, the Committee for External Relations and the Committee for Labour and Employment of Leningrad region held a meeting with Finnish business, Consulate General of Finland in Saint Petersburg and Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce.

The main aim is to provide significant information about conditions of work during spread of coronavirus and measures of support for companies. Entrepreneurs received answers to their questions and contacts for further operational communication.

The Government of Leningrad region is in constant interaction with regional companies which allows monitoring the situation in real time and respond in due time.

Small and medium-sized business of Leningrad region can receive answers to their questions calling to a hotline 8-800-30-20-813. Besides, Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region is always in touch with business, including large and foreign companies.

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