A large number of business representatives participated in a meeting with the investment team in Lomonosovsky district in order to ask their questions about work of companies in the district.
The regional investment team includes representatives of executive authorities of Leningrad region, resource-supplying organizations of Leningrad region, Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in Leningrad Region. This allows considering questions of entrepreneurs during open meetings and control further execution of issues concerning these questions.
The participants of the meeting in Lomonosovsky district discussed such issues as connection of additional capacities, power outage in the industrial zone Razbegaevo, development of road network in the industrial zone Gorelovo, receiving town planning documentation, support of enterprises dealing with recycling.
The experience of work of the investment team of Leningrad region was highly estimated in Lomonosovsky district and encouraged to establish a municipal investment team for support of local business.
“The policy of the Administration is oriented at development of industrial cluster and business support. Attraction of investments, launch of new enterprises, creation of new jobs are promising areas of development of our district. That’s why we are considering the idea of creation of such investment team on the basis of our Administration. We need to support business,” noted the head of the Administration of Lomonosovsky municipal district Alexey Kondrashov in the end of the meeting.
“An investment team at the municipal level is a real new step to make business feel our support. We will be popularizing this direction,” commented the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region Anton Finogenov.