The Government of the Russian Federation noted Leningrad region among the leaders in production of cultivated mushrooms.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in 2020 production of cultivated mushrooms in Russia amounted to 86,300 tonnes, including 6.1% of champignons grown in Leningrad region, which is the fifth place among the Russian regions.
The last year the regional farms grew 5,300 tonnes of champignons, which is 3 times more than in 2019, and the plan for 2021 is 8,500 tonnes.
Three enterprises produce mushrooms in Leningrad region. The production growth is the result of the launch of a greenhouse complex for year-round industrial production of cultivated mushrooms at the Agricultural Holding Vyborgec. The area of the complex is 3.9 ha which allows producing up to 10,000 tonnes of champignons per year.
Leningrad region provides financial support to the protected ground enterprises on agrotechnological works, purchase of seeds, compensates for 10% of the capital expenses on construction and modernization of complexes. In 2020 the volume of such support amounted to 77.3 million rubles.