The head of the economic sector of the Government of Leningrad region Dmitry Yalov and heads of the specialized committees told about the results of implementation of the national projects in the sphere of economy during a press conference in TASS press centre.
Dmitry Yalov noted that, according to the results of 2019, Leningrad region fulfilled and even overfulfilled the tasks of the national projects in the sphere of international cooperation and export, digital economy, small and medium-sized business.
National project “International cooperation and export”. In 2019 Export Support Centre of Leningrad Region was established. 67 companies concluded 88 export contracts with the assistance of the Centre. Enterprises receive comprehensive support of the Centre and successfully develop foreign markets.
National project “Digital economy”. Socially significant facilities are being connected to high speed internet: 111 facilities were connected in 2019, 136 more are included in the programme of 2020, electronic health records for regional patients are being introduced. A digital platform “Public services” was created, a mobile app will be available soon. 15 public services were optimized last year, 32 services are planned to be digitalized in 2020. A digital service for investors is being developed, it will allow them to receive construction permits electronically.
National project “Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for entrepreneurial initiative”. Comprehensive support for investors – from consultations to provision of subsidies and microloans – allows developing small business, increasing the number of jobs. In November My Business Centre was opened on the basis of Entrepreneurship Support Fund of Leningrad Region.
In 2020 Leningrad region starts implementation of the national project “Labour productivity and employment support”. Six enterprises already entered the project which will include work with each enterprise aimed at optimization of processes, introduction of lean manufacturing principles.