Exporting companies from Leningrad region received subsidies amounting to more than 27 million rubles.
Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region has distributed first for this year subsidies among small and medium-sized enterprises on reimbursement of expenses connected with export activities. These subsidies will allow the companies to reimburse 90% of expenses incurred within the previous two years.
This year 13 regional enterprises received financial support amounting to 27.6 million rubles. The volume of subsidies varies from 90,000 to 3.5 million rubles. For example, seven timber industry enterprises producing and exporting pellets, joinery and lumber will be able to compensate for expenses. Among the recipients of the subsidy are two light industry enterprises and manufacturers of aluminium stairs, compound feed for animals, household chemicals and bakery products.
Almost all enterprises have reimbursed expenses on transportation of products, one company used the subsidy to cover costs for declaring goods and development of samples of utility models.
“This year we have significantly simplified conditions for receiving subsidies – revenue growth rate was removed. An enterprise needs to conclude at least one export contract and expand the geography of product supplies by at least one new country. The subsidy is in demand by entrepreneurs and we are planning to increase the volume of budgetary support,” commented Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region Julia Kosareva.
The subsidies have been provided for the exporters of Leningrad region over the last three years. An increase in the share of non-resource export is a task set by the May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and it is being implemented in Leningrad region within the regional project “Industrial export” of the national project “International cooperation and export”.