Investment portal of leningrad region

New investors come to Pikalevo


Three new companies implement projects with a total volume of investment exceeding 2 billion rubles in the territory of advanced social and economic development (TASED) Pikalevo.

New investors are included in the list of the residents of the TASED.

Krugly God, already operating in the town, plans to expand – to construct the second phase of the greenhouse complex for the production of fruits and vegetables. The volume of investments in the project will amount to 1.7 billion rubles. 176 new jobs will be created at the enterprise.

Another investor – Pikalevo Press Plant will be producing and dying extruded profiles made of aluminium alloys. The project will bring 197.6 million rubles and 40 new jobs to the town.

One more project was presented in December 2020 at the Investment Council of the region. BlockFire is planning to create a plant for the production of innovative products for fire extinguishing. The volume of investments in the project will amount to 111.3 million rubles, 75 new jobs will be created at the plant.

Today TASED Pikalevo has 5 residents. Together with the already mentioned ones, there are a confectionery factory F.Skrupskaya and a nursery for the cultivation of ornamental shrubs and perennial flowering plants Princip Novo. The total volume of investments in the projects, implemented by investors, is 2 billion 185 million rubles.

If investors have the status of the TASED resident, they can receive significant benefits and preferences. In particular, over the first five years, investors do not pay corporate property tax, and over the next five years, this tax is reduced to 1.1%. The federal part of corporate income tax should not be paid over the first five years, the regional part over the first five years is 5%, the next five years – 10%. Land value tax is cancelled for 10 years.

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