The Head of the economic team Dmitry Yalov held a meeting with the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in St. Petersburg Stefano Weinberger.
Over the years Germany has been the most important partner for Leningrad region in both foreign economic and investment activities. German business is traditionally very active in our region – new projects are being launched, already operating enterprises constantly expand and modernize.
Dmitry Yalov noted the high potential of cooperation with German colleagues in the sphere of decarbonization – the development of renewable energy sources, exchange of experience and technologies, joint projects at new markets. Stefano Weinberger confirmed the importance and potential of cooperation in this sphere.
It is worth mentioning that in the last three years several large projects of German investors have been implemented in Leningrad region. For example, SEW-EURODRIVE launched its drive technology production plant, Henkel localized its production of dry construction mixes and Knauf Petroboard invested in the modernization of production.
Director of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region Anastasia Mikhalchenko presented the investment potential of the region. She said that the Agency provides support to such companies as Knorr-Bremse – the production of components for trains, NIEDAX Group – the production of cable support systems, TRIER – the production of dry food mixes.
CEO of Industry Development Centre of Leningrad Region Vera Shtokaylo told about the support and development of export to Germany for regional manufacturers and international cooperation.
“It is important for us not only to maintain the achieved level of interregional cooperation but to expand already existing cooperation spheres. And the organization of such events, as today’s meeting, is a great opportunity to achieve this goal”, commented Dmitry Yalov.