Northern Shrimp is planning to export its products


Northern Shrimp enterprise is planning to export its products.

Business of the first domestic enterprise for industrial cultivation of shrimps in Leningrad region is an interesting example of receiving comprehensive support in the region.

The investment project receives support of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region, of Export Support Centre concerning export issues and of Committee for Agro-industrial and Fishery Complex.

The company is preparing to enter the international market with delicacies from fresh shrimps. The expected export directions are China, Europe, Asian and Eastern region countries.

CEO of the company Sergey Belkov believes that appropriate prices and high quality of the products make it possible to develop export. “Our shrimp is interesting for consumers in China, in Dubai – this international logistics hub, and European countries,” says the businessman. Expenses on logistics are already included in the price of the products, so companions are not afraid of them, besides, the company can receive measures of government support for exporters.

The enterprise plans to cultivate not only vannamei king prawns, but also crabs, Japanese kuruma prawns, sea asparagus, rare and exotic fish species.

Northern Shrimp has been implementing the project on creation of a fish-breeding enterprise with capacity of 200 tonnes of fresh seafood annually since 2018.

Today the first of three modules expected to produce about 70 tonnes of seafood has been commissioned. The project capacity is planned to be reached in 2023.

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