Region - "pilot" for electric transport

Hand hold electric charging vehicle plug for recharge battery of car clean energy power for future concept

The Leningrad Region is preparing for the development of electric transport and charging infrastructure.

The Ministry of Economic Development has submitted to the Government of Russia a list of pilot regions for the implementation of the concept for the development of production and utilization of electric road transport until 2030. Among the eight pilot regions is the Leningrad Region.

The concept assumes the removal of legal restrictions related to the operation of electric vehicles, stimulation of the development of charging infrastructure, the creation of production of electric vehicles and the component base, support of demand for electric vehicles through subsidizing part of their cost. “Activities to implement the concept will allow the Leningrad Region to be among the first to develop the electric motor transport industry,” commented Mikhail Prisyazhnyuk, the Chairman of the Committee for Transport of the Leningrad Region.

According to Ilya Torosov, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, more than 8.1 billion rubles are provided by the federal budget for the purposes to co-finance the installation of about 3 thousand "fast" charging stations in pilot regions until 2024.

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