Investment portal of leningrad region

Results of annual ranking of regional management efficiency

Results of annual ranking of regional management efficiency

Leningrad region entered top 10 best regions in terms of management in the annual ranking of efficiency of regional management prepared by the Agency of Political and Economic Communications in 2019.

Leningrad region occupied the seventh place and improved its positions by three times in comparison with the previous year. Experts evaluate three sectors: political and management, social, financial and economic ones.

“For us 2019 was a successful year in terms of social and economic development. We maintained the volume of production, construction, agriculture and expect that the volume of investments will amount to 506 billion rubles, taking into consideration the announced projects. This was the first year of implementation of the national projects in the region. Working on updating Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Leningrad Region, we synchronized regional tasks aimed at long-term development with the aims of 12 national projects,” commented the Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko.

We can also mention a record amount of investments under investment agreements signed during Russian Investment Forum and St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, business forum of Leningrad region Baltic Region – China which was organized for the first time in 2019, and positive feedback received by the region from Russian and foreign investors.

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