Summing up the results of the first day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
We break our own records in terms of the number of agreements – about 20 documents amounting to 151 billion rubles have been already signed today.
The largest one is an agreement with EuroChem on the creation of a methanol production plant. The large project with the volume of investments amounting to 132 billion rubles includes not only the construction of a modern enterprise but also a methanol pipeline and a port terminal for the shipment of products.
An additional agreement on the implementation of social and charity projects was signed with another leader of the chemical industry – Apatit.
Technopark Marienburg will continue the development of its polyolefins processing plant and the creation of a chemical cluster in the industrial area Korpikovo.
Several agreements were also concluded in the food industry – Orient Products is planning the expansion of its already operating production of crispbread, Dairy Culture – construction of a complex of buildings for milk processing, production and storage of finished products, and Piterprom Production Company – the creation of a plant for the production of ingredients for dairy and oil and fat production in M10 industrial park.
Development of tourism and sport industry of Leningrad region will be supported by the agreements with Kolos Company – on the expansion of tourism and recreation area Okhta Park and with Gorki Golf Club – on the creation of the first golf resort in the region.
BlockFire will create a factory for the production of fire extinguishing powders and devices in the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo.
InvestBugry will continue the development of its industrial park RAUM Bugry in Vsevolozhsky district. A hi-tech factory of Karmatekh for the production of foamed and rigid PVC sheets will be constructed in Tosnensky district. Smurfit Kappa RUS will expand the production of corrugated cardboard at its two factories.