Russia – Latvia: dialogue continues


The Governor of Leningrad region held a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia in Russia Maris Riekstins.

The participants of the meeting discussed potential cooperation in various spheres – economic, scientific and technical, educational, cultural and tourism. The First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region Anton Finogenov presented investment potential of the region.

Currently an agreement between the Government of Leningrad region and Development Council of Vidzeme Region of the Republic of Latvia is being prepared.

According to Alexander Drozdenko, this agreement will allow Leningrad region to participate more actively in implementation of joint environmental, tourism, cultural, educational projects, including those within the frameworks of the cross-border cooperation programme between Russia and the EU “Russia – Latvia”.

“One of the most important issues requiring joint solutions is environmental protection, reduction of anthropogenic impact on it, in particular on the Gulf of Finland. To achieve this, we need to construct new waste recycling facilities and implement projects connected with water and waste water treatment,” said the head of the region.

A working visit to the Republic of Latvia is planned to be organized this year in order to share experience in the sphere of waste sorting and recycling, implementation of the concept of “smart” cities, development of transport system, housing and utilities sector.

Besides, Leningrad region and the Republic of Latvia will continue working on a joint project connected with development of bicycle routes.

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